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QR Optimization


A project about QR Optimization for easily generating a 3D QR Code later.

Our Goal

Increase the overall contrast by optimizing the distribution of black modules without violating readability.

Our Intuition

An isolated module gives higher contrast than one with black neighborhoods.


Compile this project using the standard cmake routine:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


From within the build directory just issue:



1 Find all connected black non-functional components CC
2 Calculate the visibilit of each CC and push them into PQ in an ascending order;
3 While (PQ not empty) {
	1.Popup CC from PQ;
	2.If CC can be dispersed, 
		  flip one module;
		  goto step 3.1;
	4 Find all connected black non-functional components CC
	5 Calculate the visibility of each CC and push them into PQ;
4 Return the current QR

You should clearly understand the coding ruls of QR Code first, otherwise, you can not know which CC can be dispersed.


You can see some results in results directory.

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