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3D QR Code


A project about generating a fabricatable 3D QR Code on arbitrary surfaces.

Our Goal

QR code is a machine-readable barcode that has been extensively used to encode information. A common QR code in our daily life mainly exists in the screen or printed publications. While, QR codes on paper are not durable and easily forged. Besides, QR codes expressed on arbitrary curved surface has a low recognition rate. To address these problems, we propose an approach to fabricate 3D QR codes on arbitrary surface based on self shadowing.

Our Method

First, we simulate the 3D QR code by ambient occlusion and physical experiment calibration. Then, we map the QR code image to the target area of the custom 3D model by perspective projection transformation, and we apply a curve operation with uniform depth. Finally, we iteratively optimize the depth to generate readable 3D QR codes on arbitrary surface. We demonstrate that our approach produces high quality 3D QR code on arbitrary surface which can be made from a single attribute material using a desktop 3D printer.


Compile this project using the standard cmake routine:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


From within the build directory just issue:



Dose tittle-tattle really help attract more friends? This project is the major part in my first year of graduate school. I did a lot of preparatory work in the previous period, such as: physics experiments, related work surveys. In addition, I wrote two patents, one paper which have not published(a little sad). Thanks to the help of my boyfriend, this project has a better ending. Through the training of this project, I have a certain understanding of scientific research. It is fun but hard, you need to invest a lot of time and energy. Finally, wish all researchers a lot of papers!!!


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